Changelog: UsableMath Summer Updates
Latest pedagogical, cosmetic and utility changes to math modules.
Release Date:
Summary of Changes:
Initial Release
New instructional slide structure, with a click-based "gaming the system" instructional walkthrough. Simplified vocabulary, replaced "complex" (i.e. complex for 3rd graders, 8-9 y/o) math terminologies with simpler, more understandable equivalents. Integrated interactive examples for demonstrating math concepts using simple language. In other words, a new Usable Math math design template for learners has been provisioned, which defaults to "make a copy" for each Google session. Further testing is required. TL;DR Interactive examples + more math word problems vocab fixes. Improvement to visuals in hints. Improved kid-friendly layout, which is now more appealing and understandable for young minds.
Area of Focus:
LT/HCI/UI: Several improvements to an always evolving child-friendly layout, increased math word problem comprehensibility, enhanced learning engagement and understanding of word problems, better readability, improved first-time user experience
MathEd: Several vocab corrections to hint word structure, changes to the sequence of hints, purpose-designed cosmetic changes to allow learners to design their own math word problem and clues
Public Instance: