Making Math Usable For Young Learners

Making Math Usable For Young Learners

Usable Math ( is designed to help elementary school math teachers and students in the United States improve their math skills and become better problem solvers. It provides interactive problem-solving activities with four virtual coaches - Estella Explainer, Chef Math Bear, How-to Hound, and Visual Vicuna - who offer words, images, pictures, charts, graphs, animations, and gifs to help students understand and solve math problems. Usable Math is built using nocode platforms and relies on Google Slides for instructional delivery.

Additionally, students can write their own math problems (known as Math Design Invitations) and problem-solving strategies.

We are proud to announce that prominent educational blogger Rachelle Dené Poth has published guest blog posts on Usable Math. Rachelle Dené Poth is a teacher, consultant, and speaker who focuses on creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students. She is an advocate for innovative teaching methods and has been featured in prominent publications such as Edutopia, Education Week, and Education Dive. Her blog posts on Usable Math provides readers with valuable insights on how to use the system to help elementary school math students and teachers become better problem solvers.

Read more here ↗ and here ↗

Usable Math is an Open Educational Resource↗. For research and collaboration opportunities using Usable Math online math tutor, contact sgattupalli at umass dot edu.